Electricity Kit - Arihantlab

Electricity Kit

Catalogue No: 1091245

For performing basic activities related to electricity, electrical circuits and its various components and configurations.
Activities those can be performed with this kit:
* Characteristics of a complete circuits.
* Materials used as a best conductor of electricity.
* Working of a switch.
* How do I control the brightness of the bulb*
* Changing of circuits.
* To draw a block diagram of a circuit.
* How the wires of different materials affect the brightness of a bulb*
* Electricity Kit

Pack of (Set): 1

For performing basic activities related to electricity, electrical circuits and its various components and configurations.
Activities those can be performed with this kit:
* Characteristics of a complete circuits.
* Materials used as a best conductor of electricity.
* Working of a switch.
* How do I control the brightness of the bulb*
* Changing of circuits.
* To draw a block diagram of a circuit.
* How the wires of different materials affect the brightness of a bulb*
* Electricity Kit

SKU: 1091245 Categories: ,
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